Month: March 2024

Imagine Bangladesh in the Year 2050

The people of Bangladesh have much to teach us about how a crowded planet can…

Tales From an Attic

Sierra Bellows in The American Scholar: In February 1995, New York Governor George Pataki announced…

Resolutions and Realities: Between 1940 and 2024

Minority becomes majority Javed Jabbar at Dawn: In 2024, as in 1940, we, too, have…

The Indian Giant Has Arrived

Mohamed A. El-Erian and Nobel-winner Michael Spence at Project Syndicate: India’s recent economic success, solid…

Radioactive Waste, Baby Bottles and Spam: the Deep Ocean has Become a Dumping Ground

James Bradley in The Guardian: The first hydrothermal vent was found in 1977 by scientists…

Téa Obreht’s New Climate Novel, ‘The Morningside’

Originally from the former Yugoslavia, Obreht now resides in Wyoming. “The Morningside” takes place in…

The Science Behind Talking Parrots – and ‘Texting’ Wolves

Why Animals Talk is published by Viking: Arik Kershenbaum’s account of the wonderfully rich and…

Echoes of Electromagnetism Found in Number Theory

A new magnum opus posits the existence of a hidden mathematical link akin to the…

Building Empathy in a Fractured World

Hybrid work. Talent shortages. Polarizing politics. Building a culture is tougher than ever. Recent research…

The X Ban

Waqas Ahmed at The Express Tribune: Former (Pakistani) senator Farhatullah Babar (chief of PPP’s human…

The Unique Life Philosophy of Abdi, Born in Somalia, Living in the Netherlands

at Aeon: When viewers are introduced to Abdiwahab Ali, the main character in the short…

Between Machine and Eye

Morgan Meis at The Easel: This photograph is the kind of photograph you’d throw away….