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We May Finally Know How the Placebo Effect Relieves Pain

Grace Wade in New Scientist: A newly identified brain pathway in mice could explain why…

TGIF: The Week Unburdened by the Week That Has Been

By Suzy Weiss at The Free Press: Biden dropped out: Six years ago emotionally, but…

Friday Poem: You Must Never Ignore Self

It may be in the sky, in sand, in dream you’ll find your Self.For some,…

‘The Chilean Forest’ by Pablo Neruda

Under the volcanoes, beside the snow-capped mountains, among the huge lakes, the fragrant, the silent,…

This Is What Could Happen if AI Content Is Allowed to Take Over the Internet

by Shelly Fan at Singularity Hub: Generative AI is a data hog. The algorithms behind…

Evolution’s New Narrative: Life is a Decentralized, Horizontal Network, Not Merely a Centralized, Hierarchical Tree

David P. Mindell at Reason: The conventional narrative for evolution is outdated. I am not…

Civility Won’t Save Us

Dante Stewart in Time Magazine: America currently finds itself in a storm. A dreadful, at times unbelievable…

Researchers Use Groovy Science to Understand Gut Feelings

Iris Kulbatski in The Scientist: The gut’s sensory system is a touchy subject thanks to specialized…

Jim Harrison: Why I Write

I used to tell students…the difference between poetry and you is you look in the…

How Does Language Begin in the Womb?

by Darshana Narayanan at Aeon: Some restless infants don’t wait for birth to let out…

Thursday Poem: When the Sun Settles

I only write at nightThe dark seems to illuminateThoughts not given the time of day…

Cars Beat Climate in Court

Jack Marley, Environment commissioning editor of the Imagine Newsletter: For planning to block a motorway…