Category: Uncategorized

A Little-understood Fact: There’s Not That Much Wealth in the World

Noah Smith at Noahpinion: Most economic debates are about income, not wealth. When we talk about…

Was Alice Munro an Art Monster? Or Just a Monster?

Meghan Daum in Substack: Alice Munro, considered one of the greatest short-story writers of modern times,…

Monday Poem: Morning of Drunkenness

O my good! O my beautiful!Atrocious fanfare where I won’t stumble!enchanted rack whereon I am…

Is Harvard Antisemitic?

Max Krupnick in Harvard Magazine: WHEN HAMAS TERRORISTS attacked Israel last October 7, they unleashed death and…

Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony at 200

Ted Olson in The Conversation: In early 1824, 30 members of Vienna’s music community sent…

From Rags to Riches, or the Multifaceted Progress of Lady

By Anatoly Liberman at OUP Blog: Every English dictionary with even minimal information on word…

The Israel-India Worker Deal Resembles British Indenture

Michelle Buckley, Paula Chakravartty in Boston Review: In December, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi received…

Viruses Finally Reveal Their Complex Social Life

Carl Zimmer in Quanta: Ever since viruses came to light in the late 1800s, scientists…

Why the Judges ‘Explosive’ Letter Will Likely Amount to Nothing

by Zarrar Khuhro at Dawn: What’s really cute, of course, is that in 2019, the…

The Public Sector Will Look Very Different in the Next Several Years

Demographic shifts will shape tomorrow’s public sector as the global population is aging, and Gen…

Dunes Aren’t Just For Sand Worms. Here’s Why They Matter on Earth.

Allyson Chiu in The Washington Post: The famed coastal dunes that inspired the shifting sand landscape of…

Is it True That Your Worldview is Structured By the Language You Speak?

James McElvenny in Aeon: Switching between languages, we may feel as if we are stepping…