Category: Books

Evolution’s New Narrative: Life is a Decentralized, Horizontal Network, Not Merely a Centralized, Hierarchical Tree

David P. Mindell at Reason: The conventional narrative for evolution is outdated. I am not…

Brothers in Arms or Just Good Friends?

by Michael Ignatieff at Literary Review: Nearly three quarters of the world’s population, according to…

Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication

By Arik Kershenbaum at Literary Review: If a cow said, ‘Don’t eat me’, we wouldn’t….

The Ecology of Collective Behavior

Leon Vlieger at The Inquisitive Biologist: This is the third of a trio of reviews…

Economics for the Age of TikTok

Rachel Dec in LA Review of Books: IN 2022, AS THE labor market thrived, a…

A Gentleman in Moscow Has a Little Bit of Everything

Bill Gates in Gates Notes: Melinda and I sometimes read the same book at the same…

Tackling the Riddle of Free Will

Emily Cataneo in Undark: IT’S 1922. You’re a scientist presented with a hundred youths who, you’re told,…

Philosophy Was Once Alive

Pranay Sanklecha at Aeon: ‘Why did you decide to study philosophy?’ asked the Harvard professor,…

The 10 Best Books of the 21st Century

by Abbas Raza at 3 Quarks Daily: The following writers each picked 10 books for…

The Kennedys And The Women They Destroyed

Louis Bayard at The NY Times: In the opening sentence of her rage-swollen “Ask Not,”…

The Fantastical Lives of Ikbal and Idries Shah

Fitzroy Morrissey at Literary Review: Shortly before his death in 1974, R C Zaehner, Spalding…

Ray Kurzweil Predicts Three Technologies Will Define Our Future

Sveta McShane in Singularity Hub: Over the last several decades, the digital revolution has changed nearly…