Category: Arts

Friday Poem: You Must Never Ignore Self

It may be in the sky, in sand, in dream you’ll find your Self.For some,…

‘The Chilean Forest’ by Pablo Neruda

Under the volcanoes, beside the snow-capped mountains, among the huge lakes, the fragrant, the silent,…

Jim Harrison: Why I Write

I used to tell students…the difference between poetry and you is you look in the…

Thursday Poem: When the Sun Settles

I only write at nightThe dark seems to illuminateThoughts not given the time of day…

Wednesday Poem: Ghazal For Brevity

A mantra sets in with just one word.A dream can end with just one word….

Tuesday Poem: Ars Poetica

She took me home—or what I thought was home,but was in fact a hell she…

Goethe, Iqbal, and a Mysterious Ode to Silence

by Shadab Zeest Hashmi at 3 Quarks Daily: “Aik Shaam,” “An Evening (By the River…

How ‘Classical’ Music Was Revolutionary

by Joel Sandelson at Aeon: We habitually associate literary realism with things like down-to-earth subject…

Monday Poem: “The Not Knowing Tears” by Gustavo Barahona-Lopez

7-year-old Guatemalan girl who died in Border Patrol custody is identified… Each day I open…

Writing is a Monologue With the Self; There is Nothing Between the Person and the Page.

by Rafia Zakaria at Dawn: ONE of the best gifts an artist — in this…

Sunday Poem: We Have Said So Many Goodbyes

by Annika Ziff Glueck (age 12): for my grandmother lost to Alzheimer’s Today we remember…

Saturday Poem: Dear Future Self

If  I should ever forget you,this is my love note to you You were lovedYou…