Category: Insight

We May Finally Know How the Placebo Effect Relieves Pain

Grace Wade in New Scientist: A newly identified brain pathway in mice could explain why…

This Is What Could Happen if AI Content Is Allowed to Take Over the Internet

by Shelly Fan at Singularity Hub: Generative AI is a data hog. The algorithms behind…

Researchers Use Groovy Science to Understand Gut Feelings

Iris Kulbatski in The Scientist: The gut’s sensory system is a touchy subject thanks to specialized…

How Does Language Begin in the Womb?

by Darshana Narayanan at Aeon: Some restless infants don’t wait for birth to let out…

Not Yet Panicking About AI? You Should Be

Daniel Kehlmann in The Guardian: I do not want to demonise the revolution we are…

Strategically Minting New Citizens: lessons from Rome & the US

Razib Khan at Unsupervised Learning: Part 1 of 2 Ours is an age of flux…

Could We Turn Mars Into Another Earth? Here’s What It Would Take to Terraform the Red Planet

By Sven Bilén at Singularity Hub: When I was in middle school, my biology teacher…

What Game Theory Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything

“Cooperation” is the most unexpected phenomena in nature, the mechanics of the ‘prisoner’s dilemma’ game…

The Ecology of Collective Behavior

Leon Vlieger at The Inquisitive Biologist: This is the third of a trio of reviews…

Inside Project 2025

James Goodwin in the Boston Review: The week after taking office in 2017, Donald Trump…

Tackling the Riddle of Free Will

Emily Cataneo in Undark: IT’S 1922. You’re a scientist presented with a hundred youths who, you’re told,…

Explosion in AI-driven Data Centres is Putting Pressure on the Grid

Eric Smalley at The Conversation: Asking ChatGPT a question is quite a bit different from…