Category: Pakistan

Nadeem F. Paracha: Pakistan’s “Useful Idiots”

by Nadeem F. Paracha at Dawn: Numerous books have been written on Islam in Pakistan….

The Problem With Pakistan’s Police

by Mahar Murrawat Hussain in Dawn: “You are men and women of violence,” proclaims Dave…

Orwellian State: Leaked Phone Calls, ‘Lawful Intercept Management System’

From Dawn: IT seems that the goings-on in judges’ homes is not the only thing…

“Phuddu Khata”

Shared by Hasham Siddiqui, Pakistan: Only for those who are interested in history. The word…

Phoon Phaan (Pomp & Grandeur)

Habib Khan, Quetta: I have been linked to Karachi for the last fifty years and…

Talking Points: ‘Why Pakistan’s Economy Keeps Collapsing’

Irshad Salim, Karachi: My take on the vlog shared by a member at the Back2School…

The Irani Cafes of Karachi

Mishal Zahoor Jamali at Medium: Stepping into High Ceiling and dimly lit Irani cafes with…

Javed Jabbar: Individuals, More Than Institutions?

Published in the May 20204 Issue of South Asia Magazine: While the well-established view about…

Shikarpur’s Balconies and Brackets

by Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro at Youlin Magazine: I have been documenting Shikarpur’s cultural heritage since…

‘Human Beings are Pure Evil’: Dog Thrown From Balcony in Karachi Sparks Outrage

by Images Staff: Stray animals are rounded up and killed en masse on a routine…

“Scars of Conflict Are Deeper and Longer Lasting”

Irshad Salim, Karachi: An infographic (below) shows the intense impact of conflict in Middle East…

Mehdi Hasan: I First Interviewed Imran Khan Back in 2010. But Never Before Have I Interviewed Him Like This.

Mehdi Hasan at Zeteo: I first interviewed Imran Khan back in 2010, in print, for…