Category: NewsBytes

Pentagon Ran Secret Anti-vax Campaign to Undermine China During Pandemic

Chris Bing and Joel Schectman at Reuters: At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the…

As the World Turns: Will Gen-Z Cancel America?

India not an autocracy, insists PM ModiAssassination plot on American soil reveals darker side of…

As the World Turns: Friday April 26, 2024

News, Views of Interest That You Might Have Missed… ‘UFO’ over NYC baffles passenger flying…

As the World Turns: Thursday April 25, 2024

News, Views of Interest That You Might Have Missed… Biden Signs Foreign Aid, TikTok Bills……

As the World Turns: Wednesday April 24, 2024

News, Views of Interest That You Might Have Missed… New evidence challenges Pentagon’s account of…

NEWS OF INTEREST (NOI): Faryal in Adiala; Al-Aqsa Mosque Clash; Korangi Bridge Collapse; American Muslims Prayer for Kashmir; Eid Sweets No More @ Wagah

What’s Happening in Kashmir Looks a Lot Like Israel’s Rule Over Palestine… India has been…

NEWSBYTES: Goat Stolen; FBR: ‘We’re Working’; Pakistan@100; France in Punjab; CIA and Afghanistan; Mayhem in Parliament; PPP, PML-N Makeup?

PAKISTAN@100WORLD BANK ISLAMABAD Is Kashmir About to Blow?Thousands protest despite clampdown… India, Pak military face…

NEWSBYTES: Maryam Arrested; Sharifs’ Sugar Mill ‘Conduit’; Cocaine Instead of Soyabean; Ladakh, Kargil Simmer; US Denial; China’s $1TR Weapon

Pakistan ‘not looking at military option’ over Kashmir dispute… MODI HAS TAKEN INDIA INTO UNCHARTERED…

NEWSBYTES: MODI 370; Baaji Wins; Pak Doctors Sacked; Pakistani Accused of iPhone Bribery; Trump Poll 49/49; Ivanka’s Horror

Heavy Firing Reported Between Indian and Pak Military Along Line of Control in Kashmir… Hardly…

NEWSBYTES: iPhone Bribery; YouTubers Union; The Great Double Cross; Pak Military Prepared; Yasin Malik’s Slow Death Trial

PM Khan, Saudi Crown Prince Salman discuss developing situation in the region…US diplomat Alice Wells…

NEWSBYTES: Triple Divorce (Talaq) to India From Saudi; Sindh Govt. Upset @’Clean Karachi’ Drive; Marine Turtles Declining; FBR’s Anti-Benami Move

USA LABELS CHINA ‘CURRENCY MANIPULATOR’… TELEGRAPH: India’s actions in occupied Kashmir could have bloody consequences…

NEWSBYTES: IMF Estimates Pak Economy; The ‘Guillotine’; Dangerous Game By India; Bloodbath in Texas; Hong Kong, Russia Protests

Time right for Trump mediation on Kashmir: Imran Khan National Security Council (NSC) meeting summoned…