Month: March 2024

These ‘Movies’ of Proteins in Action are Revealing the Hidden Biology of Cells

Ewen Callaway in Nature: Since the 1950s, scientists have had a pretty good idea of how…

How Capitalism Became a Threat to Democracy

Mordecai Kurz at Project Syndicate: Does free-market capitalism buttress democracy, or does it unleash anti-democratic…

Dunes Aren’t Just For Sand Worms. Here’s Why They Matter on Earth.

Allyson Chiu in The Washington Post: The famed coastal dunes that inspired the shifting sand landscape of…

How I Lost and Found My Scientific Creativity

In my new job, I tried to heed this epiphany. I made a point to…

Frans de Waal (R.I.P.) and the Origins of War

John Horgan at his own website: I interviewed de Waal in 2007 while researching my…

Poem: Portrait of a Romantic

He is in love with the land that is always overThe next hill and the…

The Surprising Science of Alpha Males

Primatologist Frans de Waal (Author of ‘Chimpanzee Politics’) draws surprising parallels between how humans and…

Why We Need Friends

Few quotes and and an inspirational video on ‘friends’: “A friend is one soul abiding…

1984 by George Orwell

Upgrade yourself by reading one of the most influential books of the past 100 years,…

Rectifying the Past, Neglecting the Present

Top court endorsed what everyone knew since Bhutto’s hanging: it was a miscarriage of justice…

What is Economic Inclusion? How Do We Measure Economic Inclusion?

Economic inclusion is when people not only have their basic subsistence needs met but also…

The Theory of Mind That Says Artificial Intelligence is Possible

by Tim Sommers in 3 Quarks Daily: Does your dog feel pain? Or your cat?…