May Be Even Build a Boat
Doug Stowe in The Hedgehog Review: A few years ago, when my daughter was a freshman at Columbia University, one of only a few from Arkansas, I had the audacity
Doug Stowe in The Hedgehog Review: A few years ago, when my daughter was a freshman at Columbia University, one of only a few from Arkansas, I had the audacity
You may write me down in historyWith your bitter, twisted lies,You may trod me in the very dirtBut still, like dust, I’ll rise. Does my sassiness upset you?Why are you
Women (in the West) are aspiring to a “softer life”, away from that of “mid-2000s ‘girlboss’ hustle culture”. Writes Julia O’Driscoll in The Week: “The girlboss era is decidedly over,” Vanity
Lucas Chancel in Nature: As radical as they might seem, calls for limits on wealth are as old as civilization itself. The Hebrew Bible and Torah recognized years during which
Continue readingWhere Should Society Draw the Line on Extreme Wealth?
by Ashutosh Jogalekar at 3 Quarks Daily: Once again the world faces death and destruction, and once again it asks questions. The horrific assaults by Hamas on October 7 last
Continue readingIsrael, Gaza, and McNamara’s Lessons for War and Peace
Beyond the sea, so calm and smooth.The tide so low and the wind so cool.Far very far there is a small booth;Some Jolly called it Paradise of Fools.There’s an ugly
For 200 years, Ludwig van Beethoven’s deafness has puzzled experts and fans. But a recent discovery of toxic substances in locks of the composer’s hair may finally solve the mystery.
Continue readingA Toxic Substance Found in Beethoven’s Hair May Solve an Enduring Mystery
The Line, which is at the heart of Saudi Arabia’s mega-project Neom, is a $500bn eco-region–part of Saudi Vision 2030 strategy aimed to diversify the kingdom’s economy away from oil.
Judson Vereen at Poetic Outlaws: My encounters with critics are minimal, yet explosive. They will rip everything apart if they can. Right off the bat, they want what they want,
Habib Khan, Quetta: We had met Syed Sibte Hasan by chance. It so happened that we were roaming the corridors of a business center in Karachi’s “Qamar House”, and noticed
In the early dark before dawnI awake with a dreary feelingof death dripping from my eyelids.I sit up in bed and listento the echoes of oblivionhaunt my room. The emptinessof
Our brains are like a jungle, writes Shelly Fan at Singularity Hub: Fan reports that “scientists just published the most detailed map of a cubic millimeter of the human brain.
Continue readingGoogle and Harvard Map a Tiny Piece of the Human Brain With Extreme Precision