The Best of Photojournalism This Week

A flooded town, brawl in parliament, a boat, cold lava cascades, a prisoner at a hearing, replastering of a mud-brick building, and more…

A brawl in Taiwan’s parliament after tempers became heated in a bitter dispute about parliamentary reforms.

A worker cleans a resting Buddha statue at a temple in Mojokerto, Indonesia.

Mangoes (King of Fruits) on sale in Islamabad, Pakistan

People participate in the annual replastering of the world’s largest mud-brick building in Djenné, Mali

A woman wades through floodwaters in the town of Garissa, Kenya

Incarcerated political leader Imran Khan, the former PM of Pakistan, listens to the court at a hearing via video link in Islamabad

A boat with a sign that reads “Modi is in all the hearts” near Varanasi, India

Cold lava cascades down the side of Mount Marapi in Indonesia