President Biden’s speechwriters have revised his first State of the Union speech to address the Russian invasion of Ukraine, The Washington Post reported Monday. Biden is set to deliver the speech at 9:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday. Per the Post, which cited “a person familiar with the text,” the edits are “not a wholesale rewrite” and will focus on Biden’s “longtime theme of defending democracies.” According to the Post, only 37 percent of Americans approve of his job performance, an ill omen for the 2022 midterms, and that number could get even worse if pain at the pump increases. (The Week)

President Biden’s approval rating dropped to historical lows Sunday when Americans voiced their dissatisfaction with the struggling economic conditions. Too many families continue to feel the squeeze of higher costs.
During his first State of the Union Address, President Biden will also make clear that there is more work to do to rebuild the economy towards resilience, security, and sustainability. The President will make clear that price increases that become entrenched are pernicious, and eat away at the economic progress the country is making. The President will lay out his plan to lower costs for American families while continuing an historically strong economic recovery… (Fact Sheet)