Category: Arts

‘The Chilean Forest’ by Pablo Neruda

Under the volcanoes, beside the snow-capped mountains, among the huge lakes, the fragrant, the silent,…

Jim Harrison: Why I Write

I used to tell students…the difference between poetry and you is you look in the…

Thursday Poem: When the Sun Settles

I only write at nightThe dark seems to illuminateThoughts not given the time of day…

Wednesday Poem: Ghazal For Brevity

A mantra sets in with just one word.A dream can end with just one word….

Tuesday Poem: Ars Poetica

She took me home—or what I thought was home,but was in fact a hell she…

Goethe, Iqbal, and a Mysterious Ode to Silence

by Shadab Zeest Hashmi at 3 Quarks Daily: “Aik Shaam,” “An Evening (By the River…

How ‘Classical’ Music Was Revolutionary

by Joel Sandelson at Aeon: We habitually associate literary realism with things like down-to-earth subject…

Monday Poem: “The Not Knowing Tears” by Gustavo Barahona-Lopez

7-year-old Guatemalan girl who died in Border Patrol custody is identified… Each day I open…

Writing is a Monologue With the Self; There is Nothing Between the Person and the Page.

by Rafia Zakaria at Dawn: ONE of the best gifts an artist — in this…

Sunday Poem: We Have Said So Many Goodbyes

by Annika Ziff Glueck (age 12): for my grandmother lost to Alzheimer’s Today we remember…

Saturday Poem: Dear Future Self

If  I should ever forget you,this is my love note to you You were lovedYou…

Friday Poem: ‘Grasshopper’ – by Irshad Salim

when lilies in pond diesnakes move inwhen snakes swirl outrats move inthe house withrodents micesants…