Monday Poem: Rapunzel
Think what it must have been like for her, cagedin her tower, the small window cut into darkstone, the hours it took to brush and untangle her hair, waiting for
Think what it must have been like for her, cagedin her tower, the small window cut into darkstone, the hours it took to brush and untangle her hair, waiting for
Benjamin Balint at the NYT: In his novella “The Prague Orgy,” Philip Roth has a Czech writer say: “When I studied Kafka, the fate of his books in the hands
It’s morning. The brown scoops of coffee, the wasp-likeCoffee grinder, the neighbors still asleep.The gray light as you pour gleaming water–It seems you’ve traveled years to get here. Finally you
1In the eveninghaze darkening on the hills,purple of the eternal,a last bird crosses over,‘flop flop,’ adoringonly the instant. 2Nine years ago,in a plane that rumbled all nightabove the Atlantic,I could
By Philip V. Bohlman at OUP: Welcome to the show. Let everybody know I’m done playin’ the game. I’ll break out of the chains. —Nemo, “The Code,” winning song of
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“Dead Serious About Being Nonsensical” David Platzker at Artforum: Ruscha’s avant-garde proclivities surfaced in his first pagework as a member of the group Students Five, a collective of friends—Joe Good,
I think I forgot to turnoff the radio whenI left my mother’swomb In Hasidic Judaismit is said that before weare born an angelenters the womb,strikes us on themouthand we forget
Dogs are Shakespearean, children are strangers.Let Freud and Wordsworth discuss the child,Angels and Platonists shall judge the dog,The running dog, who paused, distending nostrils,Then barked and wailed; the boy who
Continue readingThursday Poem: Dogs Are Shakespearean, Children Are Strangers
He is unfit for this life, thisunduly managed era devoidof poesy and freedom, a timeof useless haste in honor ofthe illusion of progress,a life starving of life, a lifedripping with
by Shadi Hamid at Wisdom of Crowds: I’m thinking about hell (again). What can I say? I find it a particularly compelling topic. No one talks about hell anymore, or
I tell her the rye truth.We sit in the morning,dew the soil staining.She cocks her head, I can tell she is listening.Her small eyes fill with tilled earth. When I leave,she pecks the ground,searching.
Shayla Love at Psyche: In a scene from the movie Adaptation (2002),Nicolas Cage, playing the writer Charlie Kaufman, sits in front of his typewriter paralysed with writer’s block. Cage’s mouth
Continue readingWhat Films and Literature Reveal About the Voice in Your Head