Category: Books

The Mysteries and Quirks of Human Memory

Erica Goode in Undark: AUTHORS DON’T GET to choose what’s going on in the world when…

How the World Made the West

Steven Poole at The Guardian: “Western civilisation” would not exist without its Islamic, African, Indian…

Freedom from the Internet

by Santiago Ramos at Wisdom of Crowds: I’m moving, which means I’ve spent the last…

A Theoretical ‘Case Against Education’

Scott Alexander at Astral Codex Ten: There’s been renewed debate around Bryan Caplan’s The Case Against…

Translating is Like X-raying a Book. You Get a Deep Tissue Read.

Hephzibah Anderson in The Guardian: Sam Taylor, 53, was living in rural France with four…

“The Hachette Book of Indian Detective Fiction”

Soni Wadhwa in the Asian Review of Books: Detective fiction in the West is often…

A Brief History of Failed Attempts at Human Flight

Joe Fassler at Lit Hub: Years ago, for reasons I still don’t fully understand, I…

The Women Who Styled the French Revolution

Lucy Moore at Literary Review: After they were released from prison in Paris in the…

What Would a Fair Society Look Like?

by Jeroen Bouterse at 3 Quarks Daily: In 2015, political scientist Larry Diamond warned against…

Learning a Language Involves the Body, Not Just the Brain

Michael Erard in the European Review of Books: Language as self, language learning as magic,…

The Rise of Mesoeconomics

William H. Janeway at Project Syndicate: Whether mobilizing for war or (re)constructing advanced manufacturing capabilities…

In the Corporate World, Woke Is the Rage But Greed Is Still King

James Stewart in The New York Times: It’s been 14 years since Goldman Sachs was vilified…