Category: Lifestyle

Changing Your Diet and Lifestyle May Slow Down Alzheimer’s

Alice Park in Time: Lately, the biggest news in Alzheimer’s has been around a new drug treatment…

Picture a Perfect Society. What Does it Look Like?

What principles do we need to design a fair society? Here is political philosopher John…

Rule of Law?

Joann Wypijewski in Sidecar: On 30 May, around cocktail time, a jury in New York…

The Traveler By: Friedrich Nietzsche

A traveler who had seen many countries, peoples and several of the earth’s continents was…

‘Human Beings are Pure Evil’: Dog Thrown From Balcony in Karachi Sparks Outrage

by Images Staff: Stray animals are rounded up and killed en masse on a routine…

Alone Again, Unnaturally

Joseph Epstein in Commentary: More than two centuries earlier, Montaigne wrote at essay-length on the subject…

“Because It’s There”: The Unending Allure Of High Mountains

Henry Wismayer at Noema: This month marks 100 years since Mallory’s last dance with the…

The US, UK, EU and Canada Went Far Left on Immigration — and are Paying the Price

by Andrew Sullivan at The Weekly Dish: Not so long ago, as many of us…

Pics Speak: Week Ending June 7, 2024

Clowns celebrate The Day of the Peruvian Clown in Lima, Peru Children play on a…

How Altruism Evolved in Humans

Altrusim is considered the desire to uphold a moral code. It may be akin to…

“Speaking Alone”: Silence and Speech in Post-war France

By Heather Green on Tristan Tzara: Survival and “Speaking Alone” at Poetry Foundation: “Speaking Alone”…

‘The Last Days of Franz Kafka’

Sam Kinchin-Smith in the LRB Blog: The coincidence of the centenary of Kafka’s death, on…