Category: World

Nuclear Deterrence and Russia’s War in Ukraine

By Robin Wright for The New Yorker: In his Nobel Peace Prize speech, in 1991,…

Will Russia’s Invasion Fracture the World-System?

Deglobalization by Marco D’Eramo: ‘The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the…

Western Dissent from US/NATO Policy on Ukraine is Small, Yet Censorship Campaign is Extreme

Glenn Greenwald in his Substack newsletter: If one wishes to be exposed to news, information…

How Religion Evolved and Why It Endures

As societies get bigger, we require more and more elaborate and law-like forms of religion…

Amartya Sen on Identity, Decolonization and How to Change the World

Amartya Sen recently spoke from his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to the New Statesman’s ideas editor, Gavin…

Finland and Sweden Inch Toward NATO

“The problem isn’t that NATO enlargement went too far, the problem is that NATO enlargement…

Ukraine war has already changed the world economy

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has already transformed the global economy—but not in the ways one…

Ukraine and the Global Economic War

Prabir Purkayastha in CounterPunch: Do the Ukraine war and the action of the United States,…

More Countries are Now Abandoning US Dollar. Is the End Near?

Ron Paul (former Congressman from Texas) once gave a speech called “The End of Dollar…

The British Empire Was Much Worse Than You Realize

The world’s biggest colonial power prided itself on being a liberal democracy. But liberal imperialism…

The AI Historian: A New Tool to Decipher Ancient Texts

The origins of ancient inscriptions are often shrouded in mystery. Writing carved into stone millennia…

NED: The Legal Window of the CIA

By Thierry Meyssan: For 30 years, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has been sub-contracting…