Category: World

China’s Crude Oil Imports From Saudi Arabia Up 43Pct

DESPARDES News Monitor — China’s crude oil imports from Saudi Arabia rose 43% last month,…

Thousands More Migrant Children Separated Under Trump Than Previously Known

“The total number of children separated from a parent or guardian by immigration authorities is…

Trump’s Trade War With China Is a New Cold War For ‘The New World Order’

The markets have been slow to recognize the high-stakes game that’s playing out on the…

Beijing Ramps Up Trade War Rhetoric With US

Trump says Huawei could be part of trade deal; “This is is a new Cold…

Canada to Give $100M Humanitarian Aid For Rohingya Crisis

DESPARDES News Monitor — Canada has announced a $100 million humanitarian aid for the Rohingyas…

You Too Brutus: India’s Betrayal of Iran

M. K. BHADRAKUMAR — The sudden visit to New Delhi by the Iranian Foreign Minister…

Austria Lawmakers Approve Headscarf Ban in Schools

Headscarf ban in Europe’s several countries; The exact number of Muslims in Europe is unknown….

WATCH These 5 Videos (Editor’s Pick This Week)

DESPARDES + PKONWEB (May 19, 2019) – Great video clips (below)- extracted from the windy…

US Court Rules Trump’s Move to Block DACA is Illegal

Dreamers and their supporters urged Congress to take up the DACA issue and find a…

Australian Prime Minister Morrison’s Coalition Surprisingly Wins

(UPI) — Australia’s ruling coalition leader has won the election and retains power, despite pundits and…

The Kremlin is Taking Unprecedented Measures to Control Online Content

DESPARDES News Monitor – A recent analysis/opinion piece in Carnegie Moscow Center captioned Russia’s changing…

Are Migrant Workers Humans or Commodities?

The ILO estimates that 164 million people are migrant workers, with the largest population in…