Category: World

The City That’s at its Most Wonderful — and Coat-free — in Winter

Cheap bars, alfresco food, fewer tourists and longer hours of daylight make Lisbon shine even…

The Dawn of World War III in the Gray Zone

O. Del Fabbro writes in 3 Quarks Daily: In September 2022, Fiona Hill claimed that…

Gen Z is Bringing Back the Part-time Job

Teen employment reached a 14-year high last year, as new opportunities and higher wages draw…

Six Books You Didn’t Know Were Propaganda

The Economist on these books: ALL ART is propaganda”, wrote George Orwell in 1940, “but…

Eiffel Tower topped pre-Covid visitor numbers in 2023

Tower also added new offerings such as guided tours and celebrity chef-cooked meals in its…

Lenin: What’s Left of the Revolutionary a Century after his Demise?

Mahir Ali in Dawn: AN intriguing triptych included in Iqbal’s second volume of verse, Baal-i-Jibreel,…

Scientists Clone First Rhesus Monkey Using New Method

PARIS: Scientists in China on Tuesday announced that they have cloned the first healthy rhesus…

World’s Lost 8th Continent Finally Found After 70,000 Years

World’s lost 8th continent is about 1.6 times larger than United Kingdom Scientists have discovered…

Isn’t There More Than Enough Wealth to Go Around?

by Oliver Waters: In last month’s column I criticized the ‘degrowth’ movement, which essentially proposes…

Social Costs of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Healthcare Industry are Astounding

…and we’ve been ignoring them completely David Introcaso writes in The Hill: The social cost…

‘Clash of Empires’, ‘Clash of Civilizations’…and a Comment on ‘History’ Video

For Álvaro Enrigue, a novelist fascinated with historical detail, the first meeting of the Aztecs…

The Logic of Austerity

Dillon Wamsley in Phenomenal World: In the aftermath of 2008, the pace at which capitalist…