Come Kneel to Me: A Poem By Irshad Salim

Come kneel to me
come seek
come feel
the pulse come to life.
come what you be
think of us
if that is nay
come worship me.

Hours hide, clocks
pay no heed
wheel of time
perhaps is near.

Come quick
feel the breath
of life
beating by;
take elixir
poison to cut.

Come quick gulp
breath gasp not.

Irshad Salim, circa 1974-1975 (at the age of 18/19)
–A version of the poem was published in Sometime Somewhere (1977).

Comment by IS: It’s one of the series of poetic expressions I wrote on the separation of East Pakistan, and the creation of Bangladesh after December 1971 –and the chaos, commotions, aloofness that followed in the remaining Pakistan’s premise of movers and shakers –it spewed poetic expressions out of me.

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