What a Courtroom Sketch Artist Sees

Ghislaine Maxwell, seated second from right, was convicted of sex trafficking in 2021 after a monthlong trial in U.S. District Court in Manhattan. Jane Rosenberg

Tina Jordan at The New York Times Book Review: The sketch above appears in a recent book I find particularly fascinating: Jane Rosenberg’s DRAWN TESTIMONY: My Four Decades as a Courtroom Sketch Artist. For more than 40 years, her eye has gone where cameras legally cannot, capturing “the human stories of people as they pass through the court and justice system.” I don’t bring many books home anymore — there’s no place to put them! — but I made an exception for this one. (If you’d rather read a courtroom thriller than look at pictures of a courtroom, I highly recommend Joshua Perry’s SERAPHIM.)

With the dog days of summer behind us, as we careen toward fall, everything feels a bit unsettled. I’m not reading anything new but have reached for some old favorites, early Elizabeth George mysteries. Enormous, complicated and a touch perverse, they’re the perfect books to lose myself in…

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