What’s the Difference Between Vegan and Vegetarian?

Katherine Livingstone at The Conversation: Vegan and vegetarian diets are plant-based diets. Both include plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. But there are important differences, and knowing what you can and can’t eat when it comes to a vegan and vegetarian diet can be confusing. So, what’s the main difference?

What’s a vegan diet?

A vegan diet is an entirely plant-based diet. It doesn’t include any meat and animal products. So, no meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy or honey.

What’s a vegetarian diet?

A vegetarian diet is a plant-based diet that generally excludes meat, poultry, fish and seafood, but can include animal products. So, unlike a vegan diet, a vegetarian diet can include eggs, dairy and honey. But you may be wondering why you’ve heard of vegetarians who eat fish, vegetarians who don’t eat eggs, vegetarians who don’t eat dairy, and even vegetarians who eat some meat. Well, it’s because there are variations on a vegetarian diet:

  • a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet excludes meat, poultry, fish and seafood, but includes eggs, dairy and honey
  • an ovo-vegetarian diet excludes meat, poultry, fish, seafood and dairy, but includes eggs and honey
  • a lacto-vegetarian diet excludes meat, poultry, fish, seafood and eggs, but includes dairy and honey
  • a pescatarian diet excludes meat and poultry, but includes eggs, dairy, honey, fish and seafood
  • a flexitarian, or semi-vegetarian diet, includes eggs, dairy and honey and may include small amounts of meat, poultry, fish and seafood.

Are these diets healthy?

More here.