#KarachiRain Trending After Cleanup, Hiccup

Before the recent cleanup of Karachi’s massive drainage system by military’s FWO, this videoclip of a rat sitting on top of a floating sandal had gone viral.

Rat on a floating sandal in Karachi

Today, #KarachiRain is trending again on social media, and it’s much better.


Still, there are hiccups. Experts say it’s not easy to handle things in one sweep. The city of 15m+ has a huge drainage system majorly clogged and mismanaged with encroachments and population growth making things not so easy for the country’s economic powerhouse administration.


A tweet from an Islamabad resident bemoans.

Still some meme tweets continue about Karachi rain…


This one memes…

Curated by Irshad Salim, Islamabad