Watch video of Kashmiri teacher’s response to an Indian military officer

DESPARDES — “Kashmir is Pakistan,” says Kashmiri school teacher to an Indian soldier– the incident’s video went viral on social media the day the two warring neighbors battled it out in a match for the World Cup 2019 in UK.
Indian security forces were questioning the teacher as to why his students were wearing the uniforms of Pakistan’s national cricket team aka Green Caps. Cricket is a national sport in Pakistan and India, and gaining popularity in the occupied valley. Matches between the two rivals elicit charged emotions historically.
Nearly 1Bln people (including in Kashmir) watched the much-awaited match between the two teams on TV, while 800,000 had applied for stadium seats.
Pakistan lost the match to India by D/L method.
In Kashmir, some 600,000 Indian security forces are stationed for decades– part of the largest democracy’s military campaign to annex the disputed territory which the UN Security Council has called for plebiscite.
The disputed valley has a Muslim majority and India claims it’s an integral part of the country, and the ‘intifada’ an internal matter. Pakistan disputes the claim and provides political and moral support to the Kashmiris’ struggle against the campaign.