40Pct PIA Pilots Have ‘Fake Licenses’
“They did not have flying experience either” The airline which at one time was known worldwide for its “Great People to Fly With” branding became highly unionized with an overflow
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“They did not have flying experience either” The airline which at one time was known worldwide for its “Great People to Fly With” branding became highly unionized with an overflow
May the force be with you IRSHAD SALIM — Khan Sahib’s biggest support base has been the Diaspora. It was kept out from voting despite the country’s apex court verdict
The Indian government “is underestimating the patience and silence of the public and the international ramifications” The gradual encroachment on Kashmiri rights and growing prospect of colonization could set the
Continue readingINSIGHT: Modi Bringing Israeli Model to Kashmir
The Huda Beauty co-founder Mona Kattan shared a video of the mango crates, delivered especially to her from Zardaris’ farms in Tando Allahayar. Sindh. Pakistan is passionate about the king
Monmouth University will remove Woodrow Wilson’s names from the university’s marquee building, citing the 28th president’s racist policies, at a time when numerous monuments and honors given to figures associated
Continue readingMonmouth Univ in NJ renaming Woodrow Wilson Hall. “The Context Has Changed”
Gandhi, a man whose real legacy is racism, casteism, and sexual abuse, has been falsely projected as a civil rights hero. He has robbed our true civil rights heroes of
Continue readingINSIGHT: ‘Gandhi Has Got to Go…He Never Changed’
You will have a job that pays the bills. But you also will have a job that fulfills you SYEDA SAROASH ZAHRA — Self-employment is a survival key for youth
Continue readingSelf Employment Way Forward For Pakistani Youth
The man who spent his life singing the praises of prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was accused of blaspheming the prophet, and he was executed for it — during Ramadan IRSHAD SALIM
Continue readingFLASHBACK: Sabri’s Voice Made Us All Cry That Night
Afghan artist Robaba Mohammadi read the Chinese tea leaves on time –to use the proverbial phrase for dreamers like her –needing a wider stage to perform. She did not let
Continue readingAfghan Female Artists Robaba, Suraya (Video)
A new paper by an international team of scientists and researchers sand papers the planet’s growth-oriented economies and the pursuit of affluence mantra. If institutionally accepted worldwide, the study could
If Egypt goes the way it is proposing, it may be up for a surprise: Pakistani Defense analyst (UPDATED) — Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi carried out an inspection of
Continue readingEgypt’s President Tells Troops to Be Ready to Fight Abroad
A “ring of fire” eclipse normally happens when the sun, moon and Earth are aligned The year’s first solar eclipse – with a ‘ring of fire’ this Sunday – will
Continue reading‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse Will Appear Extreme in India