Nation Island: ‘Pakistan Existed Since Centuries’

Founding fathers knew Pakistan always existed. There was no confusion in its emergence. “The two-nation concept has no boundaries. Two-nation state has.”

A banner behind Mr Jinnah in Delhi 1943 read, “Pakistan Existed Since Centuries”.

In 1944 Aligarh address, Jinnah said, “Pakistan is not product of conduct or misconduct of Hindus. It has always been there, only they were not conscious of it”.

According to an author of several books and geopolitical analyst, “Nations, as you know, are a function, focus and instrument of collective, voluntary and consensual identity. States are a more recent, physical manifestation of such identification”.

Pakistan as a nation island started to develop long before 1947 in the region comprising the Indus Valley Civilization (Mohenjodaro and Harappa) which goes back to 3500 BC.

It all began around 6000 BC: people of Indus learnt to use bronze, thereby inducing the first revolution in socio-cultural and economic life of the region around the Indus river.

Spreading north all over Pakistan, it led to the rise of cities like Harappa and in the south as Mohenjodaro with the largest concentration of population.

This all happened with trade and connectivity between the Sumerian civilization (some consider it the first in history) on the west and on the east with the Indus valley civilization. The Indus Valley developed into a similar civilization and reached its peak around 3500 BC.

How advanced and organized was Indus Valley Civilization, of which Mohenjodaro was a part? Quite a bit: it had organized eocio-economic structure like the Sumerian on its west in the region called Mesopotamia by historians. Same development too place with Harappa.

Sindh was one of the earliest regions to be influenced by Islam. After 632 AD, it was part of the Islamic empires of the Abbasids and Umayyids.

Debal was the first important town in Sindh which was captured by Muhammad Bin Qasim. Sindh became the gateway for the spread of Islam into the sub-continent –the spread of Islam became wider as the Turks, the Persians and the Afghans arrived in the region from the northwest and ruled the sub-continent for centuries.

These Muslim rulers did not colonize (like the British did); they formed a huge nation island in the sub-continent.