A Palestinian, a Jew, and a Priest Walk Onto a Campus

Jonathan V. Last at The Bulwark: You know how we fix the chaos at Columbia University? We listen to a Catholic priest!

I’m kidding, obviously. But also not really kidding? The chaplain at Columbia is Fr. Roger Landry and he is (1) a family friend and (2) a wise and loving soul.¹ A couple days ago he gave an interview to a Catholic website about the Columbia protests. There are two things to take from it: his firsthand observations of the scene and his thoughts on how to move forward.

But before we get to any of that, his most important advice for outsiders is the same counsel he’s been giving to Catholic students at Columbia:

The two most important things we do in any circumstance are to pray and to love.

That’s that starting point. Now here are some of his observations, which may surprise you if you haven’t been following the situation closely…

More here.