People-first Leadership, and Serving a Greater Purpose

Find the North Star, the direction.

To find the North Star, Resilience and Conviction are needed: “It’s my fault. And for that, I am culpable, I am liable, and I will fix it.” (If you break something, you should be compelled to fix it.)

First step is to regain the trust of the employees, teammates, et al. This will lead to connectivity. As I say, Trust is aroma; Doubt a symptom; Suspicion virus.

In order to regain the trust >Listen, learn, and only then can you lead (I follow this: Listen, Think, Understand, Analyze, Deliver) to get a united organization with not only a viable and coherent [strategy] but also a compelling [one] that everybody is part of. So listen and learn from employees, teammates, before creating compelling strategy and the tactics that would follow. Tennyson writes in Ulysses, “I am part of all that I’ve met.”

Proof, not promise will create the connectivity. Find the North Star, the direction. And if you involve people in getting to that North Star and that direction, you can have some very compelling proof points for your style of leadership.

The human aspect of leadership, i.e. compassion and empathy can pave the way for rebuilding (open, closed environment) organizations and delivering value. You need to develop a little tough skin though.

The role of a leader is to put conditions in place for others to be successful, not for the leader to try to be successful. And, paradoxically, it becomes the same thing.


Talking Points aggregated by Irshad Salim from:
Serving a greater purpose: CEO Excellence revisited
Author Talks: How people-first leadership can make the sky the limit