Thursday Poem: The Devil’s Whisper

Whispers in darkness, soft and cold
Lures the innocent, young and old
A skeleton’s grasp, a cigarette’s glow
A path unwinding, to eternal woe

With every puff, a soul’s demise
The devil’s smile, a wicked surprise
He guides the steps, to a grave unseen
Where darkness waits, and hope’s but a dream

“Come, dear one,” the devil’s voice does say
Sit and listen, and seize the day
“Abandon virtue,” the devil’s voice whispers low
“Embrace the darkness, and let your spirit go”
The skeleton’s bony fingers hold tight
As smoke swirls round, a fatal delight

In innocence lost, the heart does stray
From wisdom’s road, to an endless gray
The devil’s snare, a subtle art
Leading the pure, to a wicked heart

Beware, dear soul, the devil’s cunning guile
Lest you succumb, to his eternal smile
For in his grasp, you’ll find your doom
A fate awaiting, in the darkest room.

by Busari Shamsudeen Akinyele
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