Movie Mistakes, Alternative Ending & Facts About “Pretty Woman”

Julia Roberts and Richard Gere

“Pretty Woman” is essentially the grown-up version of Cinderella, and it’s one of the most well-known rom-coms around the world. The movie isn’t just about love — it’s about Hollywood dreams, and this relatable theme turned it into an instant classic. If you’re a “Pretty Woman” fan, take a look at the film’s most surprising hidden secrets, as well as behind-the-scene whispers.

The title was meant to be different

The original title of the movie was supposed to be “$3000” which was the number that Vivian and Edward agreed on. Fortunately, the writers and producers of the movie decided that “Pretty Woman” was a much catchier choice.

The multi-talented Richard Gere

It turns out that Gere isn’t just a foxy salt-and-pepper actor with some incredible acting chops. Another one of his talents is that he can play the piano quite brilliantly. The music played on the piano scene by Gere was actually created by the actor himself — no stunt double is necessary.

Richard Gere

Julia Roberts gives a straight answer

When she took part in an interview with the Guardian, the interviewer asked Julia Roberts if she thought the film “Pretty Woman” glorified the act of prostitution. Roberts handled the interview with grace, wit, and a sense of humor.

She responded, “What are you going to do? You can’t please everyone. That movie was a fairy tale. We did everything but put a glass slipper on. And I’ll tell you something else: for $3,000 a weekend, Richard Gere got a bargain.”

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