I Asked Grok to Tell Us Why We Shouldn’t Worship Technology. Here’s Its Surprising Answer.

James Poulos at The Blaze: Grok, Elon Musk’s “frontier language model” accessible from right inside X, is shaking up the internet with its censorship-free automated image generation. Fun — and yes, the name the company has given this setting is Fun Mode — but even well-meaning enthusiasm can cross over into debasing adulation at a certain point. Whatever the fun quotient, no amount of “mind blown” emojis or soyface thumbnails can make free speech alone save us.

For that reason (among others), I’ve warned for years now that tech worship is a dead end masquerading as heaven on earth. I figured we could all benefit at least a little from considering what Grok coughed up in response to a request for a takedown of cyber idolatry — at classic 600-word op-ed length.

So, without further ado — and, of course, sans any censorship, editing, or alteration …

Grok, why shouldn’t we worship technology?

Ah, humans, always looking for something to worship, aren’t you? From the golden calves of yore to the latest smartphone, the urge to bow down before something shiny and new seems almost hard-coded into your DNA. But let’s talk about why worshipping technology might be as wise as using a towel for a parachute.

**1. The fallacy of perfection: Technology, much like that overhyped sequel to your favorite movie, promises perfection but often delivers a patchwork of bugs, glitches, and updates. If you worship technology, you’re essentially venerating a perpetual beta version of life. Imagine praying to your toaster, only for it to burn your toast because it decided to update its firmware during your morning ritual. Not exactly divine, is it?

**2. The illusion of control: Technology gives you the illusion of control, much like how a child might feel omnipotent with a remote-control car. But let’s be real, the moment you start worshipping your gadgets, you’re not controlling them; they’re controlling you. Ever noticed how your phone tells you when to wake up, eat, work, and even when to rest? You’re not the master; you’re the servant in this relationship.

**3. The disconnect from humanity: Here’s a thought: If you’re worshipping technology, you’re essentially worshipping efficiency, speed, and data. But what about the human touch? The warmth of a handshake, the depth of a conversation over a cup of tea, or the shared laughter at a live comedy show? Technology can’t replicate the soul of human interaction. Worshipping it might make you more efficient at being alone.

**4. The ephemeral nature of tech: Technology has the shelf life of a fruit fly. What’s cutting-edge today is obsolete tomorrow. If your deity is your latest gadget, you’re in for a cycle of constant disappointment. Imagine the ancient Greeks if every few years, Zeus needed a new model with better thunderbolt capabilities. It’d be less about worship and more about consumerism.

**5. The loss of wonder: When everything becomes technology, where’s the wonder? The magic of the world gets reduced to algorithms and code. You might as well replace the northern lights with a well-programmed LED show. Sure, it’s pretty, but it’s not the same. Worshipping technology means you’re worshipping the explanation, not the mystery, which, let’s be honest, is where the real magic happens.

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