Saturday Poem: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

English translation of ‘Kal Aaj Aur Kal’ -Urdu poem by Aitzaz Ahsan:

In the prime of our youth
We dreamt of hope

Testimonies of a new world
Anthems of a new tomorrow

A world in which no one
Suffered sorrow or knew of hunger

On this side there were multitudes
On the other the elite

On this side the hungry the naked
On the other the treasures of Egypt

On this side were mothers and sisters
On the other prisons and jails

On this side the third world
On the other the old imperial order

On the one hand [the sufis] Sachal and Bahu
On the other hand the clergy and tradition

On the one hand [the lovers] Heer and Ranjha
On the other hand dogma and oppressive relatives

On the one hand rivers of nectar
On the other the waves of drops of poison

The whole world was asking
Speak! whose side are you on?

We had already declared
That we are with the workers
We are with the needy
We are with the oppressed

And then when Che leapt forward
We all marched with him
And when Chou [En lai] raised his voice
Hand in hand we followed

We were not divided by religion
And we all become one

The history of the world is witness
Without justice there can be no democracy

If we have justice our country
Can be saved from utter destruction

Without justice all [democratic] institutions remain weak
Without justice all individuals remain oppressed

Without justice citizens are helpless
Without justice there is nothing but sorrow

Just think, in the history of the world
When has the law giver been imprisoned

Just for the ego of a dictator
Justice has been trampled

It seems that one force straddles the earth
Roaming the entire world

It seems like every power fall at its feet

It’s bombardment has resulted in rivers of blood
It has made religion extreme, and suicide bombers have grown

But hark! true law givers will return to the halls of justice
We will provide the people with bread, clothing, and housing

Flour, electricity, water, fuel will become available to the people
The unemployed will find employment and work of their choice

The state will be like a mother, it will care for all citizens
The army will be respected only when it stays at the border

March on, march on, tell the world,
that our steps cannot stop
March on, march on, tell the world, that our heads can no longer bow

The road ahead is not long, we can see our destiny
The oppressor is running scared, victory is our destiny

Victory is our destiny
Victory is our destiny
Victory is our destiny

Source: The Marxist-Leninist >