Month: July 2020
Republicans, Democrats Disagree Sharply On Problems Facing U.S.
As the U.S. copes with multiple crises, partisans disagree sharply on severity of problems facing…
Lahore Sets Up Underground Rainwater Storage System
Up north Khan’s government has launched three dams which besides water preservation and hydropower will…
An In-Built System Behind ‘Red-Tapism’, Says PM Khan
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that development projects he launched have been hampered…
Mehdi Hasan’s and a Mozart Classic in Bengali (Videos)
Shared with us on WhatsApp today: Two videos sung in Bengali that spawn nostalgia at…
“Make Russia Great Again”: Tweets, Pics That You Might Have Missed…
RT Not An Endorsement. Updated Regularly: Jul 20; Jul 19 FACESPOOK! Zuckerberg surfboards in Hawaii with…
Damning Report On Delhi Riots 2020 Points Finger at BJP Leaders
The report sheds light on the collusion between state and non-state actors in a planned…
Tweets, Pics That You Might Have Missed…
RT Not An Endorsement. Updated Regularly. FACESPOOK! Zuckerberg surfboards in Hawaii with way too much…
Pakistan, Bangladesh Hold Talks in Possible Thaw
Top diplomats of Bangladesh and Pakistan held talks recently to promote bilateral relations in a…
After Rail, India Set to Lose Iran Gas Project
After being “dropped” from a key rail project in southeastern Iran along the border with…
Mrs. Pakistan World Appointed Lifetime Judge
Saman Husnain Shah, former Mrs. Pakistan World and former international beauty queen has been appointed…
A Too Long Hot Summer Called Kashmir
(DESPARDES) — Funerals are becoming lonely affairs amid coronavirus pandemic in Kashmir: family members of…
Iran, China Ying Yang: ‘Interesting Times’
Can’t beat this one –with or without social distancing, vaccines. And Pakistan could re-spread the…