Month: September 2020

‘World at Most Dangerous Moment in Human History’

US professor Noam Chomsky warns that the presence of climate crisis, the threat of nuclear…

Pak Opposition in Senate Blocks FATF Bill, Parliament Approves It

Pakistan’s Upper House (the Senate) on Wednesday rejected the Anti-Terrorism Act (amendment) Bill, 2020, a…

U.S. is in Middle East ‘to Protect Israel’ Not For Oil, Trump Says

UPDATED: Last week, Donald Trump said the U.S. isn’t involved in the Middle East for…

The Great Pyramids and Wireless Electric Energy

The tallest unnatural structure in the world is not a tomb for pharaohs but a…

Sense & Sensibility WhatsApp Forum in #PK

A New WhatsApp Forum “Sense & Sensibility” (S2) has been formed in Pakistan. DesPardes was…

Lahore Motorway Gang-Rape: ‘She Should Have Taken GT Road’

“Small people occupying big offices. This happens when there is no merit in selection of…

Huawei Dumps USA, Moves Investment to Russia

Yes. This has happened, after Trump’s latest attack has ripped the chipsets from Huawei’s supply…

Saudi FM Expresses Support for Palestinian State Based On 1967 Borders

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir has expressed the Kingdom’s support for a “just and comprehensive…

Missiles (Nukes) in ‘Conflict Region’: So. Asia, Mideast

“Our defensive capability is meant to take care of our immediate concerns. The birds can…

$500B Saudi City NEOM Selects Bechtel to Accelerate Work

NEOM has selected Bechtel to accelerate primary infrastructure development for its Cognitive Cities. It has…

India Today: ‘Lost. Listless. Wounded. Rudderless’

The world’s largest democracy (and 2nd most populated) now has the second-highest number of COVID-19…

‘Pakistan Fighting Fifth Generation War’

Pakistan’s battle-hardened military faces yet another challenge: this time it’s 5th Generation war –also known…