Month: March 2024

How Much Life Has Ever Existed on Earth, and How Much Ever Will?

Peter Crockford in Singularity Hub: All organisms are made of living cells. While it is difficult…

The Photographic News. Two Rainbows. A Rose.

In 1868 a reviewer for The Photographic News described a set of prints made by…

UFO Belief

Even when it’s not explicitly religious, belief in alien visitors resembles our oldest ways of…

AI’s Potential Effect on the Labor Force

Andrew Ng, Landing AI founder and CEO, discusses the effect AI will have on the…

Two Speeches, Two Americas

Jonathan Weisman in The New York Times: On Tuesday night, a triumphant Donald Trump looked…

The Violent Origins of Political Societies

Niccolò Machiavelli’s profound insights about the violent origins of political societies help us understand the…

PEW Survey: How Americans View 10 Major Issues

President Joe Biden is delivering his third State of the Union address tonight, his last…

How You Can Easily Delay Climate Change Today: SO2 Injection

Tomas Pueyo in Uncharted Territories: In We Can Already Stop Climate Change If We Want To,…

‘Guernica’ in Gaza

The town of Guernica in northern Spain was heavily bombed during the Spanish Civil War…

Dr. Abdul Samad Baloch | ڈاکٹر عبدالصمد بلوچ

Dr Yarjan Abdul Samad, PhD is a Senior Research Scientist and a Teaching Fellow at…

Lessons From the Past on How to Beat Disinformation

The story of the British man who tricked Nazi Germany: Sefton Delmer took on Hitler’s…

Was Trump’s Nomination Always Inevitable?

As recently as a year ago, less than half of Republican voters named Trump as…