AI May Hold a Key to the Preservation of the Amazon Rainforest

“The capacity to analyze massive amounts of data is critical here because we know that it’s a rainforest that spans countries and millions of square kilometers.”

Elliott Smith at MS LatAm: As the data and results from Guacamaya and PrevisIA continue to grow and be refined, the goal is for other countries to replicate these projects to help protect the Amazon on their turf.

“All of the models we’re going to be doing will be open source,” Lavista Ferres said. “Ideally, once we finish these models, we can look at Ecuador, we can look at Perú and say, ‘We have this. Can we sync and see how you can use it?’”

In Colombia, the hope is that by showcasing the power of AI and presenting easily digestible data, the population will better understand the importance of protecting the Amazon for not only the present day but also future generations.

“One of the things we want to do here is a transformation of society,” Ochoa said. “We are a mega-diverse country, but our economy is based on the use of raw materials. The data and information that this project is generating is going to help our society be inspired by what biodiversity is.”

“This is not just about monitoring and it’s not just about artificial intelligence or even generating a scientific paper,” Ochoa pointed out. “We need to inspire society, and this kind of project, using technology, using innovation, using AI, hopefully will inspire Colombians to change the way they think about biodiversity and nature. This will help people get closer to what we have in those areas.”

Read all of it here.