Tuesday Poem: Blonde Bombshell
By Lynn Emanuel at Poetry Foundation: Love is boring and passé, all that old baggage,the bloody bric-a-brac, the bad, the gothic,retrograde, obscurantist hum and drum of itneeds to be swept
By Lynn Emanuel at Poetry Foundation: Love is boring and passé, all that old baggage,the bloody bric-a-brac, the bad, the gothic,retrograde, obscurantist hum and drum of itneeds to be swept
by Alexander Crooke at Singularity Hub: One could argue AI is essentially a tool aimed at making our lives easier. Humans been been crafting such tools for a long time,
Continue readingNo, AI Doesn’t Mean Human-Made Music Is Doomed. Here’s Why.
Jeannette Cooperman in The Common Reader: Tempted as I am to lavish consciousness on everything around me, I was fascinated to learn that tobacco and tomato plants click when they are stressed. The
Continue readingPlants Warn, Defend, Scream, Remember, and Plan Ahead
Tell me, Rock, do you thinkmy mother misses feeling gravity’s sly tugas she lifted her hand to brush my cheek?And would that be enough to lure her backto sniff her
Irshad Salim, Karachi: My take on the vlog shared by a member at the Back2School WhatsApp Forum: –Seeking monies (aids, grants, support funds, etc.) due to being located on the
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This ancient tropical fruit is heart-healthy, may help fight inflammation and is a great meat substitute! Its benefits include being heart-healthy, and promoting wound healing. Grown in Asia, Africa and
Habib Khan, Quetta: In Greek mythology, Procrustus was a character notorious for his peculiar brand of hospitality. He would treat travelers to lavish dinners and high hospitality, only to then
Continue readingProcrustus, Shoaib Mansoor, and the lost Chaghai Militia
What am I in the eyes of most people —a nonentity, an eccentric, or anunpleasant person —somebody who has no positionin society and will never have;in short, the lowest of
Glenn Ellmers at The New Criterion: Can anyone help us understand the madness afflicting Western civilization? Art, for all its power, is usually better at reflecting or illuminating—rather than explaining—the
Continue readingLeo Strauss’ Published But Uncollected English Writings
By Peter Savodnik at The Free Press: We will soon know a little more thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, which NASA blasted into space on Christmas 2021 and
Continue readingAstronomers May Have Found Life Beyond Earth
Mishal Zahoor Jamali at Medium: Stepping into High Ceiling and dimly lit Irani cafes with vintage furniture, mosaic chipped floors and tablecloths take one back to old Karachi. These desolate
There was not even nothingbefore there was anything,then everything enteredall at once, a great chord,all of the notes and all ofthe almost-notes between – yes,all at once.………… So the universebegan