Author: DPstaff

Paul Rulkens: Why the Majority is Always Wrong

Paul Rulkens is an expert in achieving big goals in the easiest, fastest and most…

Poem: Dawn

The beetle still stares from the riding moon, the ship of death stands motionless on frozen waves: I hear the silence of early morning rise from the rocks.

A Brief History of the Passenger Pigeon

And the last of the species, Martha, named for Martha Washington, dies in a cage in 1914 at the Cincinnati Zoo.

Reckoning With Growth

Though there had been 600 years of dramatic change before 1750, these changes did not increase the standard of living of ordinary citizen of England.

The ‘Mad Egghead’ Who Built a Mouse Utopia

Lee Alan Dugatkin in The Guardian: Standing before the Royal Society of Medicine in London…

Poetry by History’s Greatest Poets or AI? People Can’t Tell the Difference—and Even Prefer the Latter. What Gives?

by Andrew Dean at Singularity Hub: Here are some lines Sylvia Plath never wrote: The…

Economic Populism: Republicans For Labor

“We’re for American workers who want to build a life in their homes with dignified jobs and raise the families supported by those dignified jobs.”

What Does Democracy Look Like?

That we associate democracy with political demonstration is no surprise. After all, democracy is the rule of the people, and…

Factory Robot Convinces 12 Other Robots to Go on Strike

A real-life sci-fi scenario unfolded in Shanghai, China, when a small AI-powered robot managed to…

The Surprising Benefits of Talking Out Loud to Yourself

Why people talk out loud to themselves is to deal with “situations that are novel or highly stressful, or…

Saturday Poem: I’m Not Old

I am the standing ovation At the end of the play. I am the retrospective Of my life as art. I am the hours Connected like dots.

America and the World

(T)he period between the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, and the election of Donald Trump exactly thirty-five years later comes to constitute an ‘era’…