Teaching the Science of Happiness
“In order to help improve my students’ mental health, I offered a course on the science of happiness. It worked – but why?” Bruce Hood in Aeon: In 2018, a
“In order to help improve my students’ mental health, I offered a course on the science of happiness. It worked – but why?” Bruce Hood in Aeon: In 2018, a
Peter Beinart in The Beinart Notebook: Our guest this week is someone I admire greatly, Tel Aviv University History Professor Yael Sternhell. We’ll talk about repression in Israeli academia following
Continue readingIsrael Can’t Win This War—Palestinians Told Us That From the Beginning
by Umair Javed at Dawn: The Chinese state is remarkable in that it has struck a balance in using selective discretion to generate high rates of economic growth, though with
Continue reading‘The Use of Political Power to Achieve Economic Gains’
By Nahal Toosi at Politico: Victoria Nuland has long been known as a relentless, even pugnacious, U.S. diplomat, with a strong belief in American power. The approach sometimes got her
Continue readingA Top U.S. Diplomat on What America Gets Wrong
Ivan Krastev & Leonard Benardo in Foreign Policy: We live today amid the dregs of time. A sense of doom is shared on all sides of the political spectrum. Democratic
To think that I was once a germ of lightin the belly of another being,and that this fact is unremarkablein the vast plod of human existence, renders me heavy with
Kate Mackenzie & Tim Sahay in Phenomenal World: We live in a dysfunctional system in which money flows out of the countries that need it most and into the coffers
“We can clearly recognize elite institutions’ deep commitment to sterile forms of activism.” Musa al-Gharbi in Compact Magazine: To understand broad trends, it can often be helpful to dig into
Jennifer Szalai in The New York Times: As the historian Nell Irvin Painter has learned over the course of her eight decades on this earth, inspiration can come from some unlikely
Continue readingShe Wrote ‘The History of White People.’ She Has a Lot More to Say.
“Interest in the work matters”. “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” -Albert Einstein
Love the quick profit, the annual raise,vacation with pay. Want moreof everything ready-made. Be afraidto know your neighbors and to die.And you will have a window in your head.Not even
Continue readingSunday Poem: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front
By Jason Dorrier at Singularity Hub: In tandem with Google Cloud, the Asteroid Institute recently announced they’ve spotted 27,500 new asteroids—more than all discoveries worldwide last year—without requiring a single
Continue readingAstronomers Discover 27,500 New Asteroids Lurking in Archival Images