Category: Arts

New Museum for Looted Art

Nigeria intends to build a new museum over the next four years that could exhibit…

The First Mughal Emperor’s Towering Account of Exile, Bloody Conquest, and the Natural World

At the end of 1525, Zahiru’d-din Muhammad Babur, a Timurid poet-prince from Farghana in Central…

What Does Outer Space Smell Like: Vinegar? Welding Fumes?

The molecules that give eggs, vinegar and nail polish remover their distinctive odor are also…

Khan Has a Point. She Has a Point (Video)

Come September (Song), PM Khan said Pakistan’s future is linked with China. Makes sense. China…

Believe It or Not! WhatsApp Shares Weekending Oct 11

This week’s WhatsApp shares; curated by Irshad Salim, Islamabad

Story in Pictures: 1995 and 2020

Shared by a senior member of Back2School WhatsApp Forum, Islamabad Post Script:

Her Name is Today; It’s the Horse Called Debt

IRSHAD SALIM: We have debts we carry and debts to pay: One of them is…

Fatima Bhutto: ‘Pak-Chini Bhai-Bhai’

Fatima Bhutto, whose new book “New Kings of the World” explores how eastern cultures are…

Times Have Changed: PSL in Pakistan, IPL in UAE and These… (Videos)

CRICKET PAKISTAN REPORTS: If India does not get a grip on the coronavirus situation, then…

Interesting Times: WhatsApp Share

Sense & Sensibility WhatsApp Forum in #PK

A New WhatsApp Forum “Sense & Sensibility” (S2) has been formed in Pakistan. DesPardes was…

Agony & Ecstasy of Pakistan’s Geostrategic Location

Below is an oversimplified characterization of a geopolitical situation. May not be used for any…