Category: Books

Ray Dalio: The Coming Great Conflict

“From studying 50-plus civil wars and revolutions, it became clear that the single most reliable…

I’m Mostly Here to Enjoy Myself

Marisa Wright at The Millions: In Glynnis MacNicol’s second memoir, I’m Mostly Here to Enjoy Myself, pleasure…

Yeats and the Sense of an Ending

Civilisation is hooped together, broughtUnder a rule, under the semblance of peaceBy manifold illusion; but…

Leo Strauss’ Published But Uncollected English Writings

Glenn Ellmers at The New Criterion: Can anyone help us understand the madness afflicting Western…

J. P. Mallory: Indo-Europeans Found?

Razib Khan at Razib Khan’s Unsupervised Learning: J. P. Mallory, discusses his reaction to the…

Why I am a Jew

by David Winner at 3 Quarks Daily: Throughout most of my life, I periodically napped…

‘In Two Minds’: Callie Siskel Reflects on the Ghost of Her Famous Father

By J. Howard Rosier at Poetry Foundation: The legacy of the deceased may truncate one’s…

Why Sharks Matter: A Deep Dive with the World’s Most Misunderstood Predator

Leon Vlieger at The Inquisitive Biologist: When it comes to protecting animal species, you would…

Israel’s Descent

Adam Shatz at the London Review of Books: When Ariel Sharon​ withdrew more than eight…

The Mysteries and Quirks of Human Memory

Erica Goode in Undark: AUTHORS DON’T GET to choose what’s going on in the world when…

How the World Made the West

Steven Poole at The Guardian: “Western civilisation” would not exist without its Islamic, African, Indian…

Freedom from the Internet

by Santiago Ramos at Wisdom of Crowds: I’m moving, which means I’ve spent the last…