Category: Insight

Why Christmas is Celebrated on December 25th

by Carol A Westbrook: It all began about 4.5 billion years ago, give or take…

How the Brain Distinguishes Memories From Perceptions

Yasemin Saplakoglu in Quanta: Memory and perception seem like entirely distinct experiences, and neuroscientists used…

How Online Mobs Act Like Flocks Of Birds

By Renée DiResta in Noema: You’ve probably seen it: a flock of starlings pulsing in…

AI uses artificial sleep to learn new task without forgetting the last

Many AIs can only become good at one task, forgetting everything they know if they…

Why Aesthetic Value Should Take Priority Over Moral Value

Aesthetic value is a catch-all term that encompasses the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the…

Math behind the image (or the face behind the mask)

GHULAM MUSTAFA: At the time of this writing, there are about 6 billion smart phones…

Self-Taught AI Shows Similarities to How the Brain Works

Anil Ananthaswamy in Quanta: For researchers interested in the intersection of animal and machine intelligence,…

What’s Strange But True About Japanese Kids, School Rules, Cities, Canals (Videos)

Here are some reasons why Japanese kids are different than the rest of the world:…

Conversation With Qalandar on His Doodles

IRSHAD SALIM: Dr. Gholam Mustafa, a California-based professional whom we used to call ‘Qalandar’ in…

Why Does Time Go Forwards, Not Backwards?

The arrow of time began its journey at the Big Bang, and when the Universe…

‘Heech’ or ‘Nothingness’: The Face of a Dervish

The art of attaining closeness to God via the annihilation of the ego which includes not…

Noam Chomsky on Consciousness

Noam Chomsky, an intellectual giant, ‘who was on Richard Nixon’s enemies list’, shares his views…