Category: Lifestyle

On the Art of Imagining in Alan Lightman’s “Einstein’s Dreams”

Alizah Holstein at Literary Hub: I first read Einstein’s Dreams in 1993, very shortly after it was…

The Problem(s) of Democracy

From Wisdom of Crowds: Institutions in decay: In the past, Ezra Klein argues, American political…

Agreeing to Our Harm

Marilynne Robinson in the NY Review of Books: Some years ago I spoke at a…

Culture, Digested: The PhD in Creativity

Jessa Crispin in The Culture We Deserve: One of the more interesting asides in the extensive…

Alan Watts on Transcending Yourself

The following is a brief segment of a lecture Alan Watts gave on The Psychedelic…

Why Medieval Philosophers Cared if Animals Made Mistakes

Sam Alma at Aeon Magazine: You are standing on a boat that is drifting down…

AI Hope or Hype?

From Project Syndicate: At the latest Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple announced that it is not…

Sabina Suey: The Valencian Postwoman Who Hid the Holy Grail in Her Sofa

When the Spanish Civil War broke out, everyone from Spanish revolutionaries to M.I.6 agents wanted…

The Downsides of Rehashing Problems With Friends

by Shayla Love at Psyche: It’s Friday night. You’re sitting down to dinner with your…

Ray Kurzweil Predicts Three Technologies Will Define Our Future

Sveta McShane in Singularity Hub: Over the last several decades, the digital revolution has changed nearly…

The Hunt for the Man Behind the World’s Most Popular 3D-printed Gun

Gemma Ware at The Conversation: 3D-printed guns are appearing the world over, including in the…

Ray Dalio: The Coming Great Conflict

“From studying 50-plus civil wars and revolutions, it became clear that the single most reliable…