Category: Lifestyle

Why the Moon is Getting a New Time Zone

The US plans to land astronauts on the Moon in 2026, the first time since…

Yan Lianke Wants You to Stop Describing Him As China’s Most Censored Author

Yan Lianke at Literary Hub: In China we have a saying that reading a banned…

Humanizing the Technocracy

Damon Linker in Notes From the Middleground: I first became a TNR (The New Republic)…

How Harlem Saw Itself

Clifford Thompson at Commonweal: “For generations in the mind of America, the Negro has been…

Columbia 1968 & 2024: The Suffering Behind the Protests

Tom Barson in Wisdom of Crowds: I’ve only witnessed one pitched battle in person, and…

Movie Mistakes, Alternative Ending & Facts About “Pretty Woman”

“Pretty Woman” is essentially the grown-up version of Cinderella, and it’s one of the most…

Why Do Immigrants Not Want American Citizenship?

Martin Mroz at Quora: There are a number of serious consequences of obtaining US citizenship…

Does AI Know What an Apple Is?

The computer scientist Ellie Pavlick aims to find out: She is translating philosophical concepts such…

No One Buys Books

Elle Griffin at The Elysian: In 2022, Penguin Random House wanted to buy Simon &…

The Cultural Fight Over Michelangelo’s David

Some in Italy are trying to stop what they consider ‘debasing’ use of the sculpture…

What Social Media is Doing to Teenagers – New Study

Nora McDonald at The Conversation: Social media apps regularly present teens with algorithmically selected content…

Is Art a Form of Therapy?

by Derek Neal in 3 Quarks Daily: There is a meme on the internet that…