Category: Opinion

Looking Back on the Second Trump Administration

by Richard Farr at 3 Quarks Daily: Historians often ask what led to Trump’s landslide…

Why Doctors Dismiss the Gut-brain Relationship

Xi Chen at Aeon: Today, unlike in the 1990s, it is well established that conditions…

COVID Accountability: Fauci Made a Few Preposterous Claims During His Congressional Testimony

by Liz Wolfe at Reason: On Monday, Anthony Fauci—formerly the chief medical adviser to the…

Erik Rittenberry: You’re Painfully Alive in a Drugged and Dying Culture

by Erik Rittenberry at Poetic Outlaws: It’s quiet here in the early morning and no…

Where Our Philosophical Debates are Going

Samuel Kimbriel at Wisdom of Crowds: This week, I’ve been re-reading Better Never to Have…

Biden vs. Netanyahu

Liz Wolfe at Reason: President Joe Biden has proposed a ceasefire plan. Israeli Prime Minister…

Dinesh D’Souza’s Movie ‘2,000 Mules’ Retracted, But Still Lodged in Grandma’s Brain

William Kristol, Andrew Egger, and Will Selber at The Bulwark: Ever since the “Stop the…

Yes, Donald Trump Has a Point About Political Prosecution

Ronald Sievert at The Conversation: The facts and the law behind New York District Attorney…

This is the Problem With Good Intentions and Radical Ideas

Farrukh K. Pitafi at The Express Tribune: Absolutely Anything is a 2015 science fiction fantasy…

Kat Rosenfield: Glamorizing a Marital Split is Narcissism Disguised as Feminism

Kat Rosenfield at The Free Press: Five years ago, all my girlfriends suddenly decided to…


The truth is rarely pure and never simple. —Oscar Wilde; The truth is not always…

Presidential Debates Have Outlived Their Usefulness

John McWhorter writes in Persuasion: Donald Trump is incapable of meaningful participation in such an…