Category: Opinion

This is Called Freedom

by Rebecca Baumgartner at 3 Quarks Daily: A little over a year ago, in Allen,…

Freedom from the Internet

by Santiago Ramos at Wisdom of Crowds: I’m moving, which means I’ve spent the last…

Carl Jung: Where Love Stops, Power Begins, and Violence, and Terror

at Poetic Outlaws: Nothing has a more divisive and alienating effect upon society than… moral…

Biden’s Age is Now Unavoidable

By Helen Lewis at The Atlantic: As an outsider observing the U.S. presidential election, I…

When Margaret Thatcher Refused to Jump

Douglas Murray at The Free Press: Welcome to Douglas Murray’s column, Things Worth Remembering, in…

Everyone Wants a Piece of Kafka

Benjamin Balint at the NYT: In his novella “The Prague Orgy,” Philip Roth has a…

A Theoretical ‘Case Against Education’

Scott Alexander at Astral Codex Ten: There’s been renewed debate around Bryan Caplan’s The Case Against…

What If Trump Is Right About America?

Jonathan V. Last at The Bulwark: It’s time to ask some hard questions about ourselves….

Nigeria: ‘Corrupt Leaders Have No Tribe But United By Common Greed’

By Greenbarge Reporters: Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ola Olukayode, has…

The Year of Singing Politically: Eurovision Song Contest 2024, Sweden

By Philip V. Bohlman at OUP: Welcome to the show. Let everybody know I’m done…

Translating is Like X-raying a Book. You Get a Deep Tissue Read.

Hephzibah Anderson in The Guardian: Sam Taylor, 53, was living in rural France with four…

Working the System: For or Against Democracy

Mary L Trump at The Good in Us: The system which, depending on your perspective,…