Category: Opinion

What Economic Challenges Lie Ahead for the New Govt

Whoever comes to power in the days after February 8 will find that their campaign…

Narendra Modi is Celebrating His Scary Vision for India’s Future

Zack Beauchamp in Vox: On Monday, tens of millions across India celebrated the opening of the…

Meet Israel’s First Lady, Sara Netanyahu

“Sara Netanyahu, the prime minister’s wife, closest adviser, and fiercest defender, is seen as a…

IMF’s Summer of Discontent?

Argentina’s latest tango with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a stress test for the…

Why the War in Gaza Makes a ‘Nuclear’ Iran More Likely

“The Conflict Has Empowered Tehran—but Also Fueled Its Sense of Vulnerability“. Ali Vaez writes in…

Ram Mandir: Formal Burial Site of Secular, Democratic India?

Ram Mandir is the formal burial site of Secular, democratic India, says Dr. Syed M….

Tariq Ali on Winston Churchill: “His Times, His Crimes”

Tariq Ali, a writer, activist, and longtime public intellectual has authored many books and is…

Living Inside a Psyop: Three Months at Harvard

Walter Johnson in n + 1: People would later say that it began with the statement…

Ignorance and Blame During the Recent Alien Invasion

by Tim Sommers: Does ignorance always excuse someone’s actions no matter how much harm they…

The Dawn of World War III in the Gray Zone

O. Del Fabbro writes in 3 Quarks Daily: In September 2022, Fiona Hill claimed that…

The Climate Crisis is a Cancer Crisis

You Can’t Have Healthy People On a Sick Planet Jane Fonda in Time Magazine: About a…

The Doctor Who Saw Colonialism as a Sickness

‘The Rebel’s Clinic,’ by Adam Shatz, is an engrossing biography of the psychiatrist, philosopher and…