Category: Politics

The Evolution of Empire

The trite answer to the question of why empires fall is that they become victims…

Talking Points: ‘Why Pakistan’s Economy Keeps Collapsing’

Irshad Salim, Karachi: My take on the vlog shared by a member at the Back2School…

Facts v. Values, Numbers v. Ideology: Which is More Important for a Healthy Democracy?

Osita Nwanevu and Oliver Traldi at Wisdom of Crowds: Dear Osita, You and I both…

“If you Want to Respect the Rule of Law You’ve Got to Start From the Original Law Giver, Which Was Moses”

Liz Wolfe at Reason Roundup: “The Commandments do not confine themselves to arguably secular matters,…

Zeteo: The U.S. President is Pulling Out All the Stops to Get a Deal With Saudi Arabia

by Spencer Ackerman at Zeteo: There are unforced errors. There are mistakes we can see…

Can a War Ever Be Just?

Phil Klay shares his views at Wisdom of Crowds: Morality and War: Two words that…

Say Hello to AI Steve, the AI Chatbot Running for Parliament in the UK

By Jason Dorrier at Singularity Hub: It’s a year of elections, and the internet is…

How Autocrats Weaponize Chaos

By Michiko Kakutani in Time Magazine: The confluence of multiplying political, economic, and social crises…

Javed Jabbar: Individuals, More Than Institutions?

Published in the May 20204 Issue of South Asia Magazine: While the well-established view about…

Further Thoughts on the Dawning Era of Right-Populist Politics

Damon Linker at Notes From the Middleground: My previous post was an attempt to make…

“Silence for Gaza” by Mahmoud Darwish

Khaled Beydoun at Pen > Sword: These are the words of Mahmoud Darwish, the Palestinian…

Israel’s Descent

Adam Shatz at the London Review of Books: When Ariel Sharon​ withdrew more than eight…