Category: World

Why is Russia’s President for Life Bothering With an Election Campaign?

The Proof is in the Putin Excerpts of an article by Andrew Ryvkin at Air…

Americans Views of Foreign Alliances Growing Increasingly Divided

Kerry Boyd Anderson at Arab News: Today, as the world shifts from a unipolar world…

2024 Solar Eclipse

The word “eclipse” actually comes from the Greek word meaning “abandonment”. A once-in-a-lifetime event, the…

The Evolving Corporate Board

The business world has changed dramatically over the past few years. The human element is…

UFO Belief

Even when it’s not explicitly religious, belief in alien visitors resembles our oldest ways of…

How You Can Easily Delay Climate Change Today: SO2 Injection

Tomas Pueyo in Uncharted Territories: In We Can Already Stop Climate Change If We Want To,…

‘Guernica’ in Gaza

The town of Guernica in northern Spain was heavily bombed during the Spanish Civil War…

What to Do About the Coming Economic Uncertainty Due to AI

The economic uncertainty posed by AI is likely to come very fast and is not…

How Money Laundering Works

Money laundering is basically just deleting your money’s search history. Of course, one has to…

The Seven People Who Can Turn Off the Internet

There’s this group of nerds called ICANN—the Internet. Its a non-profit Corporation for Assigned Names…

The UFO Phenomenon: “If aliens revealed themselves, people would panic and hoard toilet paper”

From 7News Spotlight: It is now beyond doubt that strange, anomalous objects filling our skies…

How Google Built Its Dominant Web Advertising Business With Acquisition of DoubleClick

Google’s ad revenue is now north of $237 billion –more than the GDP of Greece….