Category: World

Climate Politics & Capitalism: Is the World Enough?

Will Glovinsky at Public Books: It was 1968, and the “battle to feed all of…

What the World Would Look Like After WW3

An insane video (3.3m views) imagines what the world would look like after the next…

Never Underestimate the Nation-State

Irshad Salim, Karachi: Decades back, after reading the book ‘Why Nations Fail’, my first take…

NATO Without America

Can Europeans shore up their collective defense and security by creating an independent, strongly coordinated…

‘Think Tanks are a Groupthink Community Called The Blob’

The Ideas Letter: In an infamous profile several years back, Obama national security advisor Ben…

The Anxious Generation

A social psychologist and a Professor discuss the end of the play-based childhood and the…

Why Do Authoritarians Win?

Not by repudiating democracy but by simulating it, a new book argues. William E. Scheuerman…

Free Speech Is Under Attack in the U.S., But It’s on the Ropes Elsewhere

“Even open democracies have implemented restrictive measures” If you think free speech is under attack…

Your Nationality May Influence How Much You Talk With Your Hands

Brian Owens in New Scientist: People of different nationalities appear to vary in their use of…

Countering Growing Authoritarianism Requires a Robust Civil Society, Media & Academia

by Margee Ensign at IPS: (C)ountering growing authoritarianism requires a bigger, more interconnected ecosystem of…

Parties and Movements

A roundtable discussion on the challenges that left-wing political formations face around the world. Sheri…

What is Economic Inclusion? How Do We Measure Economic Inclusion?

Economic inclusion is when people not only have their basic subsistence needs met but also…